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HomeSTUDY MATERIALSOsteological terms

Osteological terms

  • Facet – A  small  articular surface.
  • Fovea – An articular surface in the form of a very small pit/depression.
  • Fossa – A concavity or depression, which is moderately deep.
  • Tubercle – A small blunt projection which, if more developed is called a tuberosity while a trochanter is the largest of these. 
  • Tuberosity – A large rounded uneven projection.  
  • Trochanter – A very large non articular prominence. 
  • Head – A rounded articular enlargement at the proximal end of a bone.
  • Neck – The constricted part below the head. 
  • Groove / Sulcus – An elongated Depression or concavity between parallel ridges.
  • Incisura – A notch like depression.
  • Condyle – A somewhat cylindrical articular surface or knuckle shaped paired articular surface
  • Epicondyle – A non-articular projection in connection with or adjacent to condyle.
  • Trochlea – A pulley like grooved articular surface.
  • Process – A large  projection
  • Spine –  A pointed projection.      
  • Cornu or hamulus – A curved horn like process. 
  • Crest –   An elongated elevation or   A sharp ridge
  • Line – A faint elongated elevation.
  • Linea – Narrow crest/ridge/line i.e. A very small line
  • Foramen – A perforation or hole through a bone for the transmission of vessels, nerves etc.    
  • Cleft – A fissure in a bone.
  • Lamina – A thin plate of a bone.
  • Border – The edge of bone usually applied to flat bone. 
  • Angle – Corner of bone found between two borders.
  • Body (corpus) – The largest/principal part of a bone.
  • Protuberance, prominence, eminence, torus – A varieties of bony projections.
  • Eminence – A relatively small projection or bump.
  • Glenoid cavity – A shallow cup-like articular depression
  • Cotyloid cavity – A deep cup like articular depression
  • Condyloid cavity/Acetabulum – A deeper articular depression.
  • Sinus – An air cavity within the bone lined by mucous membrane and communicates with the exterior. 
  • Hiatus – A depression leading to two or more foramina. 
  • Canal – A bony tunnel (foramen of some length) or A long, tunnel-like foramen, usually a passage for notable nerves or blood vessels.
  • Meatus – A narrow passage.  
  • Articular process – A projection that contacts an adjacent bone.
  • Articulation – The region where adjacent bones contact each other—a joint 
  • Suture – Articulation between cranial bones.  
  • Labyrinth – A cavity within a bone.  
  • Mamus – An arm-like branch off the body of a bone. 
  •   Fontanel – Unossified region between skull bone.
  •  Manubrium – A flat handle like projection
  • Notch – A deep or large indentation usually for articulation.
  • Squama – The flat portion of the cranial bone.
  • Styloid – Literally a pencil shaped pointed process 

Symphysis – A union in which two similar bones are firmly connected by cartilage                                    



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