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HomeSTUDY MATERIALSMetatarsal Bone of Cattle

Metatarsal Bone of Cattle


There is one large bone representing 3rd and 4th fused metatarsal and a small bone representing 2nd metatarsal.


This bone has structural similarity with that of large metacarpal bone. The differentiating points are mentioned below.

  • Length of metatarsal bone is more.
  • Shaft is four sided.
  • The medio-plantar angle of the proximal end bears a facet for articulation with the small metatarsal bone.
  • The dorsal longitudinal groove is deeper and wider.
  • The plantar surface is marked by variable grooves. The proximal foramen on this surface does not perforate the shaft, but passes obliquely through the extremity, opening on the plantar part of its proximal surface.


  • This medial small metatarsal bone is rudimentary and quadrilateral in form.
  • It articulates with the large metatarsal by a facet at its anterior aspect.

Metatarsal bones of horse

  • There is one large (3rd) and two small (2nd and 4th) metatarsal bones in this species.
  • The small metatarsals articulate with the large bone on either side of the posterior aspect and extend up to the distal third.
  • Large metatarsal is longer than large metacarpal bone.
  • Its proximal end is also comparatively wider.

Metatarsal bones of dog

  • There are five metatarsal bones in this animal.
  • The first one is ill developed and is in the form of a flat cone. Sometimes it may be absent.
  • Rest of the metatarsal bones are comparatively longer to those of metacarpal bones.
  • Other features are more or less same to those of metacarpals.

Metatarsal bones of pig

  • They are four in number and present similar features to those of metacarpal bones.
  • The proximal ends of third and fourth metatarsals bear facets at their caudal surface for a metatarsal sesamoid bone.
  • All the bones are little longer than metacarpals.

Tarso metatarsus of fowl

  • This is a single long bone.
  • The proximal end is irregular for the fusion with the distal row of tarsal bones.
  • It presents facets for articulation with tibiotarsus.
  • Distal end presents three trochleae for articulation with 2nd, 3rd and 4th digits.
  • In the male a bony spur arises from the medial aspect of the body of the tarsometatarsus.
  • A very small bone located at the posterior aspect of the distal end of the tarsometatarsus is considered as first metatarsal bone.



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