Thursday, July 4, 2024
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Cerebrum of Ox

  • The largest portion of the brain is the cerebrum.
  • Cerebrum consists of two large, hemispheres (the left and the right cerebral hemispheres).
  • A deep median longitudinal fissure, called a longitudinal cerebral fissure, partly separates two cerebral hemispheres.
  • Both hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum.
  • The cerebral hemisphere’s surface is convoluted, consisting of a sequence of gyri (elevations), spaced by sulci (small depressions), and fissures (deep grooves).
  • Each cerebral hemisphere is made up of an inner core of white matter (cerebral medulla) and a surface layer of grey matter known as the cerebral cortex.
  • Large masses of grey matter, known as basal nuclei/ganglia are found in the basal part of white matter.

Basal nuclei/ganglia

  • These are large masses of grey matter located within the white core of each cerebral hemisphere.
  • Basal ganglia consist of –
  • Corpus striatum
  • Claustrum
  • Amygdaloid body

Corpus Striatum

  • It is present at the lateral side of thalamus.
  • It is divided into a lentiform nucleus (lenticular nucleus) and a caudate nucleus by the internal capsule (a band of nerve fibres).
  • Medial part of lentiform nucleus is called as globus pallidus and lateral part is called as putamen.
  • Outer to lentiform nucleus, a band of nerve fibres is present called as External capsule.


  •  Itis a thin concave mass of grey matter present outer to External capsule.

Amygdaloid body

  • It is an almond-shaped mass of grey matter called as Amygdaloid body is present in the temporal lobe.

Functions of Basal ganglia

  1. They are involved in controlling movements during voluntary motor activities.
  2. Control reflex muscular activity.
  3. control muscle tone for specific body movements.
  4. Inhibit unwanted muscular activity.


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